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Here’s a concise guide to Microsoft Company Contact Phone Numbers:

  1. Microsoft Corporate Headquarters: If you need to reach Microsoft’s main office, you can contact them at their headquarters in Redmond, Washington. The general phone number is 👇 (425) 882-8080.
  2. Microsoft Business Support: For business-related inquiries and support, Microsoft offers a dedicated phone line. You can find specific numbers for various business products and services on their official website.
  3. Microsoft Customer Support: If you require customer support for Microsoft products like Windows, Office, or Xbox, you can find contact information on the Microsoft Support website. They offer phone support for various issues.
  4. Microsoft Sales and Licensing: For sales inquiries and licensing information, Microsoft provides different contact numbers based on your location and business needs. You can easily find the appropriate contact details on their official website.
  5. Global Contact Numbers⏬: Microsoft has a global presence, and they offer contact numbers tailored to specific regions and countries. You can access a comprehensive list of these contact numbers on their official global contact page.

For the most up-to-date and accurate contact information, it’s recommended to visit Microsoft’s official website or use their contact portal, as phone numbers may change over time.

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